To this day, this still remains the most difficult chapter to create. (Although, I suspect Chapter 10 to take that spot eventually.) Mostly because the set-up has to be done very well. The original version had a narrator throughout that would describe bits, information, and the odd joke or two. I dropped this because it was telling instead of showing. Also, it wasn't clear to some readers if it was from the perspective of any given character, or a narrator.

The original Part 2 and 3 got combined into one part, and Part 7 was expanded into two, the whole fight is how I originally envisioned it, and I'm glad I have the full one done now, it sets up Perrin's motivations a lot more, and Magic is a lot better explained. I wanted to keep Kimatchi's initial reveal of his type of Magic a secret until Chapter 2, but it didn't make sense to not show Perrin anything. The same happens for Perrin's battle outfit, it was meant for Chapter 10, but it felt weird given most of the promotional art that's been out, and all of the banners as well, I wasn't sure if it would pay off when I planned it to originally happen.

Part 6 and 7 took almost as long as Part's 1 through 5 to make, there's a lot more going on even when I simplified the backgrounds. (Mostly for an aesthetic choice, but it did speed things up a bit.)

The additional stuff that sits between Chapter 1 and 2 are stuff that I added because I thought they'd be cool, they weren't part of the plan originally.

The most difficult part of this Chapter was actually committing to drawing it, I vaguely planned for the comic as far back as 2014, had some parts more defined in 2016, but it wasn't until Christmas Eve, 2018, right after that I finally put down the art and posted it. I thought the art was still awful, it wasn't clear where the story was going to go, or even what it was going to be, but just the act of posting it was all I needed to still be working on it today. It's said very often still, but do take this note as evidence of it being true. Starting a project is one of the most important things you can do. You either plan for it for years, or make up the idea on a whim, but until you start it, well, it may never ever see the light of day. Finishing it is another story though…

I hope you enjoyed this Chapter. I keep these notes delegated to the Story Map for now to not break the flow of the comic. But depending on how feedback goes, that may change. There might be an update on Chapter 2's Author's Note about this, we'll see. Thanks for reading.

~/~/~ Baku

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